Four KIPP Texas Schools Named Winners of College Board’s Female Diversity Award in Advanced Computer Science Courses

KIPP Texas Public Schools is proud to announce that four of its high schools have been named AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award winners by the College Board.  KIPP Austin Collegiate, along with Houston-based KIPP Generations Collegiate, KIPP Northeast College Preparatory, and KIPP Sunnyside High School were given this prestigious distinction for achieving either 50% or higher female exam taker representation in one of or both AP computer science courses, or a percentage of female computer science exam takers that meets or exceeds that of the school’s female population.  Since 2019 the number of female students enrolled in AP computer science at KIPP Texas schools has more than doubled.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects computer science research jobs will grow 19% by 2026. Yet, women only earn 18% of computer science bachelor’s degrees in the United States. Despite the high job demand, computer science remains a male-dominated field in the U.S. 

That’s why the College Board is honoring schools for expanding young women’s access to AP computer science classes and for the important steps they’re taking to reach gender parity. 1,119 schools are being recognized for their work toward equal gender representation during the 2019-20 school year, nearly 37% more than the 818 schools recognized last year.

KIPP Austin Collegiate, KIPP Generations Collegiate, KIPP Northeast College Preparatory, and KIPP Sunnyside High School were among more than 830 schools across the country that  received the award in AP Computer Science Principles.

The winners represent a broad range of high schools from across the country. They include private, public, and charter schools, large and small student bodies, rural and urban populations, and specialized high schools, along with generalized programs.