KIPP Texas-Houston Art Teachers Launch Monthly Virtual Exhibit


In April of 2022, art teachers from KIPP Texas–Houston (KTXH) produced the first “KTXH Visual Arts Zine,” a monthly online art exhibit featuring the remarkable work from KIPP artists in elementary, middle, and high school.   

The first issue, “Who We Are,” introduces the reader to the vast variety of mediums KIPPsters explore, from painted landscapes and abstract watercolors to print making and 3D design. Students at KIPP Texas learn more than just principles of art; at KIPP Journey Primary, students learn to “use mindfulness and concentration while creating their pieces,” says art teacher Brittni Crowhurst.

The most recent issue, “Time Flies”, celebrates student success throughout the year, and gives the reader a wonderful glimpse into the creativity blossoming in KIPP Texas classrooms.

The “KTXH Visual Arts Zine” is edited by art teachers Anthony Hurlburt, Brandon Mabry, and Brittni Crowhurst. Come back to our blog during the upcoming school year to see future issues!

Every student deserves a high-quality art education. Student applications are still open for the 2022-23 school year! Click here and apply today!