Beyond the Lottery: Navigating the Next Steps What Happens After the Lottery?

As the anticipation builds for the 2025-26 school year’s lottery on Monday, February 3, understanding the post-lottery journey is crucial. After the lottery, your child will either secure a spot at a KIPP Texas school or find a place on the waitlist. Here’s a breakdown of what follows:

Accepted? Yay! Celebrate and Act Fast!

If your student receives an offer, the excitement begins! Families with spots in K-12 can accept the offer immediately and commence the registration process for the upcoming school year. For Pre-K offers, acceptance is possible, but registration kicks off on April 1, 2025. The key is to accept and register within one week of receiving the offer, as offers come with expiration dates:

February  4, 2025, to April 30, 2025: Offers expire in 10 days

May 1, 2025, to July 31, 2025: Offers expire in 7 days

After August 1, 2025: Offers expire in 4 days

Prepare by gathering essential documents for registration and upload them seamlessly on SchoolMint:

  • Student Birth Certificate
  • Student Social Security Card (if applicable)
  • Up-to-date immunization records
  • Parent/Guardian Government-Issued ID
  • Proof of Residency
  • Proof of Guardianship (if applicable)
  • Log into your SchoolMint account to complete the registration process.

Waitlisted? Don’t worry.  Understand what’s next:

For those on the waitlist, don’t lose hope. As seats become available, families will receive notifications in the order of the waitlist. A unique feature is the priority given to siblings. If a student is accepted from the waitlist and has a sibling waiting, the sibling is moved to the top, alongside other siblings, based on their general lottery number. Keep track of your child’s status through SchoolMint, being aware that it may be influenced by other students’ decisions and sibling dynamics.

Post-Lottery Applications: Never Too Late!

Did you miss the lottery deadline? No worries! Submit a post-lottery application for the 2025-26 school year. KIPP Texas welcomes applications year-round. While applications received after Monday, January 27, 2025, won’t be part of the lottery, they will be added to the waitlist in the order they are submitted.

Stay Connected with KIPP Texas:

Stay in the loop with the latest news and updates from KIPP Texas by following us on Facebook and Instagram. Visit one of our schools! Sign up for a school tour here. Your journey doesn’t end with the lottery – it’s a continuous adventure with endless opportunities.