KIPP Destiny Elementary

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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KIPP Destiny Elementary was founded in August 2013 and is the first KIPP Texas elementary school in the Dallas region. We believe in prioritizing learning in both academics and character so that our KIPPsters receive a whole learning experience through a rigorous college and career readiness curriculum. We offer leadership development, field lessons, and service learning projects to connect KIPPsters and their community.

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Meet Your School Leader

Jessica Dovey
School Leader

KIPP Texas school leaders serve as visionary guides, shaping the academic landscape and our campuses’ overall character and culture. They foster a sense of inclusivity and provide our KIPPsters with brave and belonging spaces. They lead by example, displaying integrity, accountability, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Our school leaders help ensure all KIPPsters are prepared for college and beyond!

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