Celebrating and Making History

KIPP Texas Families,

We are a day away from the start of Black History Month. Black History IS our country’s history. Our country began celebrating Black History Month in 1915, half a century after the thirteenth amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

The Black History Month 2022 theme, as named by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), is “Black Health and Wellness.” This theme explores “the legacy of not only Black scholars and medical practitioners in Western medicine, but also other ways of knowing (e.g., birth workers, doulas, midwives, naturopaths, herbalists, etc.) throughout the African Diaspora.”

This week, we are focusing on the history makers within Black Health and Wellness. There are many, including countless people whose names have not made history books.

Did you know about these history-makers?

  • James McCune Smith (1813-1865) Born a slave and denied entry into American colleges; he later attended the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He earned his bachelor’s, master’s, and medical degrees by age 24. He later became the first African American doctor with his own practice in the United States. (Source)
  • Dr. Jane Cooke Wright (1919-2013) The New York Cancer Society elected Wright as its first woman president in 1971. Her research helped transform chemotherapy from a last resort to a viable treatment for cancer. (Source)

Twenty-eight days is not enough time to celebrate and honor such a beautiful diaspora and the contributions of Black people. I hope that we never stop learning and celebrating as we continue to Champion Equity.

KIPP Alumni Leadership Accelerator Program

A BIG congratulations are for five of our phenomenal KIPP Texas alumni who were selected for the Alumni Leadership Accelerator Program, a yearlong program of professional development, mentorship, and network building. The Leadership Accelerator Program aims to support KIPP alumni in reaching top leadership positions at the local, state, and national levels. This year’s Fellows will receive ten months of personalized, executive leadership coaching, attend two leadership conferences, join a tight-knit cohort of peers who graduated from KIPP schools across the country, and have access to networking and skill-building opportunities. This year’s KIPP Texas alumni include:

  • Eliseo Iglesias, KIPP Academy Middle School (1999-2003)
  • German Barbosa, KIPP 3D Academy, KIPP Houston High School ’13
  • Jennifer Constanza, KIPP Houston High School ’11
  • Jozlyn Hall, KIPP Truth Academy (2003-2007) and KIPP DFW Regional Board Member
  • Paula Fernandez-Baca, KIPP Academy Middle School (2000-2004)

I’m so proud of our alumni as they continue to Chase Excellence! Learn more about each of them on our blog.

Student Application for the 2022-23 Student Lottery End February 14

Our Team & Family is growing! February 28 is our Student Lottery for the 2022-23 school year Do you know someone whose child should join the KIPP Texas Team & Family? Do you have another child who you would like to send to a KIPP school next year? You may not know this, but siblings of existing Little KIPPsters have priority in our lottery! 

Please submit or share our student application. We are also offering virtual info sessions for families to learn more about us and our application process. Click here for session details.

The deadline for student applications for the 2022-23 school year is Monday, February 14, and our Student Lottery is on Monday, February 28

We can’t wait to announce the names of our new KIPPsters!


As your families begin celebrating Black History Month personally and we do across KIPP Texas, please share photos, ideas, and thoughts of reflection with us as I would love to see them and share them with your permission. You can email them to comms@kipptexas.org

We hope to see every Little KIPPster who is feeling well in class every day this week! Let’s make it a great week of learning!

One song,

Sehba Ali