How to Partner with KIPP Texas

Connect. Transform. Inspire.

adults with facemasks holding up certifications

We Welcome Community Partners to Connect

 At KIPP Texas, we welcome community partners to connect with our schools, students and families to support them in reaching their fullest potential. KIPP Texas Public Schools is an open-enrollment, tuition-free public charter school network with 59 schools across 4 regions; Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. We have nearly 34,000 Pre-K through 12th grade students across the state.

Who can become a partner with KIPP Texas?

The KIPP Texas Community Partnerships team will work with you to match your goals to school needs and consult on next steps. We welcome community partners from a wide range of industries and service areas! To learn more about how your organization can partner with KIPP Texas, please review the process below and submit the KTX Community Partner Interest Form.


Learn about KIPP Texas Community Partnerships!
Learn More


Identify opportunities within your organization and set partnership goals.


Submit a KIPP Texas Community Partner Interest Form Below:


The KIPP Texas Community Partnerships team will work with you to match your goals to school needs and consult on next steps.


Connect. Transform. Inspire. Schedule and execute transformational service for our KIPP Texas families!

KTX Community Partner Interest Form

KIPP Texas Community Partnerships seeks transformational support for our KIPPsters and their families to connect them to neighborhood resources, family programs, and other services that inspire families to lead fulfilling lives and build a more just world. We welcome community partners from a wide range of industries and service areas! At KIPP Texas, we prioritize academic excellence, fully enrolled schools, and innovation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Corporate Partners

Inspiring the Next Generation
Through our partners, students and alumni gain exposure to the world beyond school and are introduced to a variety of sustainable career paths. Students can participate in career readiness workshops, networking and mentorship programs, and summer internships, preparing themselves with the knowledge and skills needed for success in the competitive world.

Sharing Your Resources
Partners provide programs and resources to provide transformational services to our KIPP families and community. Community partnerships can include volunteer days, classroom resources, supply drives, basic needs resources, educational opportunities, financial services, beautification projects, and more!

Providing Critical Financial Support
Financial support from our partners can help underwrite and support a wide variety of areas: seats for new KIPPsters; sponsoring positions who support our KIPPsters along their path to college, career, and beyond, including KIPP Forward Counselors and much more is all made possible through financial support.

In addition to the ideas above, we are open to meeting with you to explore ways in which we can create a partnership opportunity that best matches your needs, while also making a meaningful impact on our KIPPsters. If you’d like to start the conversation, or to learn more about how your company can become a KIPP Texas Corporate Partner, please contact the KIPP Texas Community Partnerships Team at

The Gift of Opportunity

To make an impact and give a gift of opportunity through a donation, please support KIPP Texas.

students in class