KIPP Pleasant Grove Primary

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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Bell Schedule Hours

KIPP students in class

KIPP Pleasant Grove Primary opened in 2016 to create a school in South Dallas for all students to achieve academically and create social-emotional well-being. Our mission is to provide students with a rigorous, high-quality education by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and character traits necessary to thrive in school, college, and beyond. Our highly-qualified educators deliver effective instruction through rigorous data-driven education. Our KIPPsters are champions of their learning, goals, and futures.

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Meet Your School Leader

teacher at pleasant grove primary school
Deborah Nixon
School Leader

Deb Nixon is an experienced educator passionate about leading students to bring the joy of learning. Over the past 30 years, she has taught 1st through 12th-grade students across five states. She has recently served as the dean of instruction at KIPP 3D Academy, principal-in-residence, and KIPP Generations Collegiate in Houston. She inherited her love of reading from her mom, a children’s librarian, and started her career in elementary school. Returning to where students find their passion for thinking, creating, and learning as the school leader of KIPP Pleasant Grove Primary School is thrilling. In addition to her time spent teaching and leading in schools, she has been married to Andy for 30 years, and they have two children, Anna and Noah. The Nixons love spending time with their extended family, church family, and community, especially where food is involved.

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