More than 100 new teachers will be hitting classrooms around North Texas this fall, thanks to a summer training program with KIPP Texas Public Schools.

The Texas branch of Teach For America, the innovative national program to supply educational leaders in under-resourced public schools, added a new partnership this summer to help train new teachers for Dallas-Fort Worth area classrooms.
The partnership with the KIPP Texas Public Schools community of tuition-free charter schools paired the new teachers with experienced teachers for mentoring.
“This summer’s training with KIPP Texas Public Schools was a key component of our multi-aspect, nationwide intensive onboarding experience, which began in May and will extend through teachers’ first 90 days in the classroom,” says Jessica Guthrie, chief program officer of Teach For America Dallas-Fort Worth.
“KIPP Texas Public Schools provided our team with campuses that offered virtual summer school, experienced mentor teachers and a student curriculum. We brought more than 300 eager teachers who are going to be in Texas schools this fall, ready to teach and learn,” she said. “Our leadership team worked closely in partnership with KIPP to build out the daily schedules for our teachers that included teaching time, observation time and professional development in the afternoon.”