KIPP Nexus Primary

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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Bell Schedule Hours

student smiling at camera
young student in class
student learning violin
students in class
Young boy wearing KIPP: Texas shirt
three students smiling for camera

At KIPP NEXUS Primary School, we believe in empowering our students by creating opportunities to lead with heart as they develop skills and knowledge, enabling them to become transformative leaders in their community. We strive to ensure every student leaves NEXUS with a secure sense of self and confidence.

Contact Information

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Meet Your School Leader

Young student smiling
Jasmine Yarborough
School Leader

KIPP Texas school leaders serve as visionary guides, shaping the academic landscape and our campuses’ overall character and culture. They foster a sense of inclusivity and provide our KIPPsters with brave and belonging spaces. They lead by example, displaying integrity, accountability, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Our school leaders help ensure all KIPPsters are prepared for college and beyond!

Learn About Your Schools

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