KIPP Oak Cliff Academy- Paul Quinn

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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At KIPP Oak Cliff Academy – Paul Quinn, all students will be engulfed in a rigorous, relevant, and culturally representative curriculum covering real-world experiences and issues through discourse. We are passionate about building capacity within our students, parents, staff, and community to navigate systems of oppression with confidence and the knowledge necessary to dismantle those systems.

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Meet Your School Leader

Stama Eleazar
School Leader

Stama Eleazar is an accomplished educator and advocate who has significantly contributed to all his positions at KIPP Texas. With a passion for teaching and leadership, Stama embarked on his journey with KTX in 2017 as a founding middle school science teacher at KIPP Pleasant Grove Middle School. He has helped lead the growth of the campus and oversaw the transition from a middle school to a 6-12th grade model campus. His dedication and expertise quickly earned him various roles within the organization. Currently, he serves as the Principal of KIPP Oak Cliff Academy.

Born and raised in the Caribbean, Stama moved to the United States and completed high school in Northeast Philadelphia, PA. During his time at Penn State University, he not only pursued his studies in Energy, Business, and Finance but also contributed to the academic success of his peers by being a TA and tutoring mathematics. Seeking to deepen his understanding of educational leadership after serving in Teach For America, Stama obtained a Master of Education in Educational Leadership from the University of North Texas.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Stama enjoys an active lifestyle. He is an avid participant in outdoor activities, finding joy and relaxation in the camaraderie they bring. Traveling is another passion; he appreciates exploring new cultures and broadening his horizons. Above all, Stama cherishes spending quality time with his wife and their pet in their home in Dallas, TX.

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