KIPP Somos Collegiate

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Grades Served in 2024-25

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At KIPP Somos Collegiate, we’re a community of college-bound learners proudly rooted in who we are and where we are from. We commit to working hard in the final years of the journey to college and remain a support system to students through college graduation. We foster a sense of belonging and celebrate courage in students and staff so we all walk through our halls with pride in who we are and where we are going.

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Meet Your School Leader

teacher with pink collar shirt
Jeremy Gray

Jeremy Gray was the founding school leader for KIPP Somos Collegiate and served in the role for three years. This year, he led as the deputy head of schools for the San Antonio region and was also the interim school leader at KIPP Camino Academy. Before moving to San Antonio, Mr. Gray began his career as a Spanish teacher in Eldorado, Arkansas, later becoming an English teacher and assistant principal. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and political science from Elmira College and a master’s in education from Southern Arkansas University. Mr. Gray loves to travel with his partner and enjoys spending time outside running, walking, or walking his dog, Byron.

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