Pre-K4 Teachers
at KIPP Texas

Our certified Pre-K4 teachers lead joyful instruction that sets a foundation of literacy and skills for a strong academic future.


Pre-K4 Teaching Overview

Our Pre-K4 teachers help our littlest KIPPsters love learning from day one – building joyful learning experiences that set a strong foundation and lead to higher language, math, and reading levels. Unique small-group learning time and exploratory active play help students grow social-emotional skills and build relationships with peers and teachers.

Art teacher helping student

Teaching Requirements

Current qualifications to be a Pre-K4 teacher with KIPP Texas:

  • A bachelor’s degree
  • Must demonstrate the knowledge of core subjects assigned
  • EC certification from TEA
  • Maintain Highly Qualified Status

*Please note that these are the requirements that would allow a Pre-K4 teacher to be considered highly qualified for this position.

Teacher compensation

After your first year at KIPP Texas, salaries can increase within our salary scale model, and you can move up in the career pathway based on your teaching stage!

Salary Structure

Benefits & Retirement

Continuous Coaching

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Teacher Career Pathway

*Based on Houston salary scale

Pre-K4 Teacher Roles

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Our Programs

Offers Full-Day Pre-K4.

student looking at magazine with teacher

Our Curriculum

We believe that KIPPsters learn by doing! As such, we proudly use project-based learning to promote confidence and critical thinking for all of our Little KIPPsters.

  • Focused on oral language, vocabulary and storytelling.
  • Comprehensive, researched-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery.
  • Designed to help educators at all levels of experience plan and implement a developmentally appropriate, content-rich program.
  • Resources equip teachers with the digital tools to bring learning to life and to help facilitate strong partnerships with families.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I teach Pre-K out of state, will my certification transfer?

Individuals who hold a standard certificate to teach in another state or territory, seeking certification in Texas, must first apply for a review of credentials. To learn more, visit the Texas Education Agency’s Out-of-State Certified Educators page.

Are there additional requirements to teach Pre-K4 at KIPP Texas?

Per TEC §29.167 (b) and TAC §102.1003 (e), KIPP Texas is required to employ Prekindergarten teachers who are appropriately certified to teach Prekindergarten and who have an additional qualification that is early childhood education specific. Additional qualifications may include one of the following:*

  • a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential
  • a Montessori certification
  • at least eight years of experience teaching in a nationally accredited child care program
  • a degree in early childhood education (ECE), or early childhood special education or a non-early childhood education degree with at least 15 units of ECE-specific coursework
  • documented completion of the Texas School Ready (TSR) – Comprehensive training program
  • a currently employed Prekindergarten teacher who completed at least 150 cumulative hours of documented professional development relevant to early childhood education (half of the professional hours must include interaction with an instructional coach)
  • a currently employed Prekindergarten teacher who completes 30 hours of documented professional development relevant to early childhood education annually until 150 hours were completed (half of the professional development hours must include interaction with an instructional coach)

*Must only meet one of the qualifications above in addition to being certified

What is the average Pre-K teacher-to-student ratio?

The average Pre-K3 teacher-to-student ratio will not exceed 22 students to teacher and TA. The average Pre-K4 teacher-to-student ratio will not exceed 26 students to teacher and TA.

What makes the Pre-K experiences unique at KIPP Texas?

Our primary elementary academic model is designed to ensure our Little KIPPsters develop a love of learning from the very start. We do this by creating a safe and joyful learning environment for each student. Students spend time daily engaging in Social-Emotional Learning starting in Pre-K. Our programs also teach academics through collaboration and play such that students are in centers and guided learning throughout the school day. Additionally, our warm and friendly teachers ensure our students build knowledge by participating in enrichment courses throughout the day. These enrichment courses vary by campus and can include art, music, dance, technology, etc.

How does the curriculum at KIPP Texas address the social-emotional needs of students?

We believe in personalized learning approaches that address each child’s individual needs. KIPP Pre-K students participate in social-emotional learning (SEL) time daily – 20 minutes for Pre-K3 and 30 minutes for Pre-K4 and Kindergarten per day. These lessons cover the different ways to express emotions, self-awareness and reflection on emotional needs.

Pre-K students spend the majority of their day learning in small group activities with a maximum of 5 students per group. These important interactions with others help our students make connections and foster relationships with peers that bring joy and confidence.

How are Pre-K students graded?

Our teachers use a variety of assessments to share progress and evaluate learning for our Little KIPPsters. In Pre-K3, teachers use observations and performance tasks to gauge student learning. In Pre-K3 and Pre-K4, students are assessed individually using the CIRCLE assessment, a state-mandated tool specific for prekindergarten students. In Kindergarten, students demonstrate their learning on assessments aligned to our K-4 curriculum in literacy, math, science, and social studies.

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