As we continue to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, KIPP Texas Public Schools is proud to announce that three KIPP Texas teachers were surprised with the Harriett Ball Excellence in Teaching Award, including a $10,000 check! The Harriett Ball Excellence in Teaching Award is given annually by the KIPP Foundation to 10 of the 10,000 K-12 teachers from KIPP schools around the country. Miguel Fernandez from KIPP CONNECT Primary, Edith Gonzalez from KIPP Dream Prep, and Danielle White from KIPP University Prep were three of this year’s award recipients.
Learn more about our winners below:

Miguel Fernandez is a second-grade teacher and soccer coach at KIPP CONNECT Primary. He is the first in his family to graduate from college and believes all students can learn and deserve the right to access high-quality instruction. When asked what he loves about being a teacher and coach, he stated, “I love it. It’s my life. I am committed to this for as long as I can see. I want to be a positive male role model for the community that built me. I will always try to give back better.”

Edith Gonzalez is a 1st-grade teacher at KIPP Dream Prep and has been with KIPP Texas since 2013. During teacher appreciation week, what means the most to her is seeing how much her students have grown in the classroom, and seeing their love for learning is the most rewarding experience.

Danielle White is a long-time veteran educator completing her 5th year at KIPP University Prep. She holds the prestigious and elite National Board Certification in Secondary Special Education. Danielle teaches in the science department supporting International Baccalaureate classes and co-teaching students in the Special Education program. She serves as a peer coach and a mentor to many of her colleagues.
Teachers are selected for the award based on their track record of improving student achievement, classroom and school leadership, and commitment to equipping students with the skills needed to pursue any path and lead fulfilling lives.
The Harriett Ball Excellence in Teaching Award honors the legacy of Harriett Ball, a visionary educator and mentor teacher. A 35-year teaching veteran of Houston and Austin public schools, Ball incorporated chants, songs, and movement to get her students engaged and learning in the classroom. In late 1992, Ball began mentoring Teach for America corps member Dave Levin in Houston. Inspired by her methods, Levin co-founded the KIPP in 1994.
Congratulations to our Big KIPPsters for this great achievement. We are so grateful to our educators who work hard every day to help our Little KIPPsters learn and grow.