KIPP Climb Academy

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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Bell Schedule Hours

child in kipp austin shirt smiling
Three children making heart shape with hands

KIPP Climb Academy is the ninth KIPP Texas-Houston primary school to open its doors. Our school was founded in August of 2016 and proudly educates students from South Houston and Pasadena. We’ve built a pre-K3 and pre-K4 program to ensure a strong foundation for a child’s educational journey.

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Meet Your School Leader

Kemika Long
School Leader

Mrs. Kemika Long is a native Houstonian passionate about giving back to the Houston community. She has taught little KIPPsters with KIPP Texas-Houston Public Schools for ten years. Her previous teaching experiences include kindergarten, first, second, and fourth grade. She loves working with early-childhood and school-age children. Mrs. Long has 14 years of experience teaching students in Houston. She held multiple leadership positions, including the math lead, instructional coach, dean of mathematics, and assistant principal. Mrs. Long holds a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies from Prairie View A&M University and a Master in Educational Administration from Lamar University. As an educator focused on teaching and transformation, she continues to help elevate student performance through personable and dynamic leadership. Mrs. Long is the proud Principal at KIPP Climb Academy. She commits to providing all students with equitable, high-quality instruction delivered by highly qualified instructors.

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