KIPP East End High

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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KIPP East End High’s vision is to provide the academic and character skills necessary to live choice filled-life. At KIPP East End High, we take pride in our community. We unlock the power of voice through self-discovery and advocating for justice. By engaging in rigorous academics, restorative conversations, and highlighting strengths, we foster leaders that contribute to our community.

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Meet Your School Leader

Olvin Carias
School Leader

It is a privilege to be part of a community that takes pride in who we are as individuals, and I look forward to celebrating all the success ahead of our KIPPsters in the coming years. We want our school to feel like home for our families.

As a founding teacher, Olvin Carias has been working relentlessly to provide optimal opportunities in STEM fields for students in the Northside, North Forest, and East End communities. Mr. Carias Olvin graduated from the University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a degree in mathematics and statistics and then pursued a Master’s degree from Columbia University in New York City. His teaching experiences started at 15 when he was hired to teach sixth-grade math at Breakthrough Miami and continued for eight years in Breakthrough Cambridge. Before arriving in Houston, Mr. Carias taught AP calculus and chemistry at his alma mater in Miami and worked for the Walt Disney Company. Mr. Carias looks forward to opening his school to serve students in Houston with rigorous education opportunities and prepare them for successful careers and lives.

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