KIPP Sunnyside High School

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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Best CharterKIPP Sunnyside High School’s academic and co-curricular programs provide a college preparatory experience that empowers students with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to go to and through college. We are committed to the growth and achievement of all students in a nurturing environment. Our graduates are empowered to take ownership of their lives and possess the knowledge, skills, and courage to succeed in college and beyond.

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Meet Your School Leader

Conor Hynes
School Leader

Conor Hynes is the proud School Leader of KIPP Sunnyside High School and has had the privilege of participating in the growth of Sunnyside since its founding years. He had served at Sunnyside since 2012 when he started his education career as the school’s founding 11th Grade U.S. History Teacher. Before becoming the School Leader in June 2020, Conor served three years as an Assistant Principal, supporting the 12th grade and coaching the Social Studies Department. He looks forward to continuing working with teachers, students, and families to uphold the Sunnyside spirit of excellence at 11000 Scott Street.

Mr. Hynes earned a bachelor’s degree in History and an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction from Boston College in Chestnut Hill, MA. Outside of school, Mr. Hynes enjoys spending time with his family, cooking, fishing, and following college football.

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