KIPP Texas Families,
I hope the four-day weekend was relaxing, and you spent time doing the things you love with the people you love! Whether your weekend included a religious celebration, fasting, egg hunting, or simply resting, I hope it brought you joy, and you are feeling refreshed as we sprint to the finish line this school year.
Congratulations to our KIPP State Champions
Let’s show some joy for our athletes! Our San Antonio KIPP Poder Academy Tigers are state soccer champions! The middle school boy’s soccer team triumphed over a 5-time defending champion team to win the Texas Charter Schools Academic & Athletic League State Championship! Congratulations to Coach Erik Gonzalez and the KIPP Poder Tiger team on the school’s first undefeated season of 14-0! Way to Rise Together! Please join in the celebration in congratulating our KIPP Poder Tigers on this historic win!
It was Student-Athlete Day earlier this month, and I am beyond proud of our student-athletes for their achievements on and off the field, court, track, and all other sports arenas. They are teaching us all what it means to Persist with Purpose. 🙂
Chasing Excellence Through Research
Our Houston KIPP 3D Academy students are Chasing Excellence by partnering with The University of Virginia to conduct a student-led research study collecting data and student feedback about the school experience. The middle school KIPPsters in the 3D Youth Research team will provide valuable feedback to give all students the best academically excellent and equitable education. I am incredibly proud of our 3D Little KIPPsters, Championing Equity through their research.
KIPP Texas Ranks Top Ten in the Kroger School Food Rankings
I am proud to announce that KIPP Texas Public Schools has been named one of the top ten Texas school districts in the 2022 Kroger School Food Rankings! We’re also the only chart school on the list! In partnership with Children at Risk, the 2022 Kroger School Food Rankings evaluates how districts across Texas provide meals to children in economically disadvantaged areas by focusing on meal participation rates and offerings of after-school meal programs.
I am so grateful for our School Nutrition team for their dedication to our Little KIPPsters in providing healthy meals at our schools across all four regions! Thank you for being a Champion for Equity with nutrition.
COVID Updates
Each week we will share an update on where each of our KIPP region’s current levels stands according to the CDC Community Levels tool. As of 6 am on Tuesday, April 19, the levels are as follows:
Austin: LOW – Masks are strongly recommended but not required in KIPP schools or offices. Masks are still required in healthcare areas.
Dallas: LOW – Masks are strongly recommended but not required in KIPP schools or offices. Masks are still required in healthcare areas.
Houston: LOW – Masks are strongly recommended but not required in KIPP schools or offices. Masks are still required in healthcare areas.
San Antonio: LOW – Masks are strongly recommended but not required in KIPP schools or offices. Masks are still required in healthcare areas.
Please follow our Health & Safety Guidelines found here according to the level in your region.
If COVID-19 Community Levels change mid-week in counties where our schools are located, we will not change our Health & Safety Guidelines until the following week unless the update involves a high (orange) threat level. In this instance, we will share same-day communication with regional staff and families, and the appropriate KIPP Texas COVID Policies will go into effect immediately.
And to end with some joy, check out this media story from our KIPP Texas – Dallas-Fort Worth region. KIPP Pleasant Grove Leadership Academy Teacher Kristen Dale received a Texas Instruments Foundation STEM Teaching Award for her exemplary teaching! Congratulations, Kristen! As a Team & Family, we are proud to see you positively impact so many KIPPsters with your love for STEM education!
Let’s continue to Chase Excellence and Bring Joy!
With gratitude,
Sehba Ali