KIPP Austin Collegiate

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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KIPP students at graduation ceremony
KIPP students at graduation ceremony

Best High SchoolsKIPP Austin Collegiate supports our students on their final climb up the mountain to college. Our academic program enables students to develop and practice intellectual habits, build academic skills, and cultivate character traits necessary to thrive in and graduate from four-year colleges and universities. At KIPP Austin Collegiate, students learn to take responsibility for positively affecting their communities and shaping their futures.

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Meet Your School Leader

Janice Lopez
School Leader

Janice Lopez has been the successor principal since January 2019, a role that has been her dream for many years. Ms. Lopez has spent the last eight years at KIPP Austin Collegiate: three as an AP Spanish Language teacher, National Honor Society Sponsor, and Grade Level Chair. Most recently, she served five years as a ninth-grade assistant principal and supported all English teachers. Before joining KIPP Texas, Ms. Lopez taught multiple subjects at a private all-male high school in New Orleans. Ms. Lopez’s strengths range from content knowledge in various topics to connecting with our multicultural community. She double majored in Biochemistry and Spanish at the University of Notre Dame and received a Master’s in Hispanic Literature from The University of Texas at Austin. Ms. Lopez is ecstatic to lead KIPP Austin Collegiate and looks forward to continuing to prove possible for our students and families.

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