KIPP Austin College Prep

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Grades served in 2023-24

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At KIPP Austin College Prep, we champion each other’s identities with our peers and communities. We provide the opportunity, access, and support to achieve rigorous levels of knowledge through solid intellectual habits, strong academics, and a vital civics education. We explore issues of human rights and social concerns that stimulate intellectual curiosity. We reclaim our power and continue to learn, organize, and advocate as lifelong social change activists.

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Meet Your School Leader

Chelsea Young
School Leader

As the devoted leader of KIPP Austin College Prep, Chelsea Young is dedicated to fostering an inclusive educational environment where students thrive. With five years of school leader experience and a background in English Literature and secondary education from Texas State University, Young brings a wealth of expertise to her role. She prioritizes academic excellence, character development, and leadership skills. Young’s dedication to nurturing well-rounded students and promoting a sense of belonging makes her a valuable mentor and advocate in shaping future leaders.

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